Thursday, December 29, 2011

Art Museum Steps

oil on board

Here is a woman sitting on the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps, enjoying the December sun, and the backside of a begging man- two people who are not likely to cross paths again.   Forgive me the melodrama, but I can't help but think of the Longfellow quote:

Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing,
Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness;
So on the ocean of life we pass and speak one another,
Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence. 

One more thing.  One of my portraits was nominated for best blog portrait in 2011.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Run

oil on panel
This little girl has just left the art museum and breaks into a happy run at her sudden freedom. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Recumbent Knight

oil on panel

I've been inspired by the painter Karin Jurick to paint scenes of people in museums.  Here is my first attempt, a young girl contemplating weighty matters like time and mortality as well as the mystery of this unknown life, represented by an effigy. 

It's dark and rainy again, so this photo was taken inside.  I think the colors are better than this, but as the rain will continue for a while I'll get a better picture taken in a few days .