An old friend who has collected my work for years (and years) took photos of some pieces of mine he owns and just sent them to me. The landscape wash drawings are from the mid 1980s, when I used to haunt a lot of industrial areas looking for interesting subject matter. I've gotten older and more cautious since then, and probably wouldn't risk hanging out in these sorts of places now. Experience will do that to you!
Some of my more potentially dangerous experiences:
Once I was drawing in a wooded area and a man walked along the trail and asked me if I'd "seen any cops." He proceeded to take off all his clothes and then spread out a towel and lay down. There was a nude swimming beach a quarter mile away, but this was just too weird for me!
Once I was painting in a thicket of trees and a man began circling the area on his motorcycle, around and around and around. I was totally absorbed in what I was doing and ignored him. Then I realized he had parked his bike and was thrashing through the woods towards me. I fled.
Once I was painting under a cliff and someone heaved a rock the size of a basketball at me, which missed me but smashed the leg of my easel. I could have been killed, obviously.
There's more, but I'll spare you!
Working inside is so nice and cozy and safe, but honestly it can get really dull too.