Visit the links below to tour the participating artist's studios:
My Studio
My studio is the third floor of my home in Perkasie, PA.
I used to rent studio space ages ago, but like most artists, I'm perpetually on a budget. It's so much cheaper and more comfortable to work at home, although this was a challenge when my two kids were small and underfoot. It's a good sized space, about 350 square feet. I had two skylights put in, so it is filled with light.
This is a view of my favored painting corner,
with a large skylight and a north-facing window.
This is the smaller skylight at the other side of the room,
where I prepare painting surfaces and pack and ship my work.
I like to keep my main space uncluttered, so I shove most of my art supplies and still life paraphenalia into the long thin hallway-like space that juts out from the main room.
Yes, that's a cow pelvis hanging on the wall.
I sometimes paint from my own images, as viewed on my
raised computer monitor. I often work upside down, and always standing up,
even standing clear across the room so I don't get hung up on details.
Here is my small but essential single wall shelf,
where I keep an eye on my most recent work.
I won't go into much detail about my supplies, because I have an online art tutorial that covers most of that, but these are my two most important tools:
Essential tool #1: My sturdy Soltek easel, which I use both indoors and out.
It holds up in the wind, is less wobbly than a wooden French easel,
and can fit into all kinds of tight places in my studio.
Essential tool #2: My journals. These pages have helped me sort out my
worries, and have guided me through many creative logjams.
worries, and have guided me through many creative logjams.
And that's the end of my studio tour. Thank you Marla Laubisch for the invitation to participate in the Artists' Studios Online Tour, and thank you for visiting my studio!