Pencil on paper
This is a drawing of my incredibly cute nephew Jonah, caught napping. It's from several summers ago.
I've scarely had time to paint (or draw) and my excuse is my upcoming show. I'm working lots of hours at the library, and in the free time I'd normally be painting, I'm crazily working on setting paintings in frames (beautiful frames made by my brother), signing things, typing up price lists and all that jazz.
Here are the details about the exhibit-
Taryn Day (PAFA Cert. '82, BFA '07) has a solo exhibition, Awake and Painting, at Pennswood Art Gallery, Pennswood Village, 1382 Newtown Langhorne Rd., Newtown, PA 18940 from March 15 - May 10th, 2009. The opening reception is Sunday, March 15 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM.
This drawing is so wonderfully sweet. How I would love to sleep like that.