Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Looking Towards Saint-Roch, Quebec City, Late Afternoon

graphite 4"x 10"

I love the complexity of cityscapes. Here is a view of a trendy Quebec neighborhood called Saint-Roch, and far beyond. I always think a cityscape looks best with at least one church steeple.


  1. Oh my gosh - what atmosphere you get even in your drawings and sketches! Looks like you've been having a marvelous, inspiration-drenched time up there. I can't wait to see the paintings you do from your new library of reference pics, after you get home and have had time to reflect in your studio (which is so, so lovely by the way - and organized!)
    Aaahhh, a well-earned art vacation. Safe travels and kudos for your escape into fresh scenery Taryn!

  2. This one really moves my heart as well as eye. It reminds me of rainy Manchester, UK. I guess a city is a city the world over.
    How you capture such atmosphere with the pencil amazes and delights me.


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