Brussels Sprouts are my favorite vegetable, sliced in half and roasted with olive oil. I think I have that for dinner about twice a week.
I've been wanting to get back to still life, so I can still work when the weather isn't fine for painting outdoors. After months of looking at complex panoramic views, and trying to get information down as quickly as possible (before the sun moves too much), it's been difficult for me to paint from a still life without staring too hard, getting too hung up on detail, and losing sight of the whole. This one went better than the last one (which I wiped out).
I'm a little shy about this, but what the heck. A Philadelphia videographer has made a short film about my work. John Thornton makes excellent films about nationally recognized artists, Philadelphia area artists and jazz musicians. You can view more of his work at his Rusty Scupperton YouTube channel.